
Domino 5.0.x auf Linux (SLES9)

  • SLES9 Standardinstallation
  • lotus.sh anlegen:
# /etc/profile.d/lotus.sh
export NOTES_USER=notes
export NOTES_PATH=/local/notesdata
export LOTUSDIR=/opt/lotus

# Path for notes-user
if [ "$LOGNAME" = $NOTES_USER ]; then
	export PATH=$PATH:$LOTUSDIR/bin:$NOTES_PATH:$LOTUSDIR/notes/latest/linux/
	export LANG=de_DE
#       export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib/java/jre/bin
        export LD_ASSUME_KERNEL=2.2.5
  • Start/Stop Script
# domino Start/stop The Lotus Domino server
# description: This script is used to start the domino server as a \
# background proces. It will cat the serverID password \
# from a file to the server. Communication with the server \
# has to be done through cconsole, Notes Administrator or \
# webadmin.
# Usage /etc/rc.d/init.d/domino start|stop
# processname: server,...

DOMINO_USER="notes" # User to run Domino server
DOMINO_DATA_DIR="/local/notesdata" # location of notes.ini
DOMINO_BIN_DIR="/opt/lotus/bin" # location of executables

                                        # We need a file to put
                                        # the serverID password in.
                                        # make sure owner is the
                                        # Domino owner and the file-
                                        # permission is set to 400.

# Look if the user that runs this script is root
if [ `id -u` != 0 ]; then
   echo "This script must be run by root"
   exit 1;
# See how we are called.
case "$1" in


# Two ways to run the server (comment on of them out):
# 1. With the output of the console redirected to the log file
# /var/log/domin.log. Be sure to change the logrotate daemon
# 2. With output of the console redirected to /dev/null

   echo "Starting Lotus Domino server..."
# Version With logfile
su - ${DOMINO_USER} -c "cd ${DOMINO_DATA_DIR} && ${DOMINO_BIN_DIR}/server" >/var/log/domino.log 2>&1 &
# Version without logfile
# su - ${DOMINO_USER} -c "cd ${DOMINO_DATA_DIR} && ${DOMINO_BIN_DIR}/server" >/dev/null 2>&1 &
   sleep 2
   echo "done!"

   echo "Stopping Lotus Domino server: "
   su - ${DOMINO_USER} -c "cd ${DOMINO_DATA_DIR};${DOMINO_BIN_DIR}/server -q"

   echo "Lotus Domino server tasks: "
   pgrep -u notes -d " " server

   echo "Usage: domino {start|stop}"
   exit 1